This One Time at Dance Camp..

"I like your bike!” shouted Molly.
“I like your helmet!” yelled Jenna.
“I like your shirt!” Molly exclaimed.
“I like your shorts!” Jenna out the window.
As Richard bikes away, Jenna finally yells out the window with the most awkward tone ever, “Talk to you later, in those shorts.”
At that moment I thought all of us were going to die of laughter. That’s what began the scariest night of dance camp.
As the day carried on, and it became night again, a few of my teammates and I were hanging out in their dorm.

All of a sudden we heard Emma exclaim, “Look it’s Richard!”
We all huddled around the bed nearest to the window and start shouting arbitrary things out the window.
I burst out “Deuces!”
“Duck-Face!” Emma follows with.
The five of us burst out with laughter when all of a sudden a flashlight streams through the window, and we realize this is not Richard we are screaming to, it’s a security guard. We all duck down and start hyperventilating, pondering what we should do. One of us sneak off the bed and ducks down, creeping to shut the lights off, while two of us are slowly, nonchalantly closing the blinds. Allison peaks out the window and notices that “Richard” had disappeared, assuming he entered the building. At that instant we each are now freaking out as if a murderer was coming after us. After a couple minutes pass, and nothing happens, a sigh of relief escapes us all. Of course, once we all are calmed down, there’s a rapping at the door. Knowing that it’s the security we all fall silent.
“Don’t say anything!” Molly whispers to us all.
The rapping comes again.
“I have a plan!” Allison mutters. “Pretend you’re sleeping and I’ll go get the door in a drowsy manner.”
“But I’m not supposed to be here!” I murmur.
A blank, despairing, expression flushes all their faces. When all of sudden I have an idea. I jump off the bed and constrain myself against the closet wall of the dorm. I motion to Allison that it’s safe to answer the door to the security guard. As she gets up we hear a third set of rapping at the door, followed by the jingling of keys. Allison rushes to the door and opens it.
“Sorry, we didn’t answer sooner we were trying to go to sleep.” Allison says with the best poker face.
“Oh. Well there were complaints that there was a loud noise coming from this dorm room and I heard girls shouting out the window.” He explained as he made his way to the room where we were previously socializing.
Just then, a miracle happened. Upstairs, music came blaring on. We simultaneously looked up towards the ceiling as if we could see through it, trying to pinpoint the exact dorm room the obnoxious noise was coming from. The security guard apologized for “waking us up” and rushed out the door, hopped onto an elevator, and anxiously tried to find that dorm. Once we were positive that he was gone I came out from hiding. As the four of them continued to quiver, I made sure the coast was clear and I immediately bolted out of there and dashed to my dorm. I zipped to my room and belly-flopped onto my bed, continuing to laugh about the previous event.
Looking back on that priceless night at dance camp, I honestly think we shouldn’t have overreacted as much as we did. I don’t regret doing anything that night at all, because we didn’t get in that much trouble. That unforgettable night we be engraved into our minds forever.

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