Cause/Effect Piece

Author's Note: This piece is about the cause and effect in the story Life of Pi. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of cause and effects in books.

In Life of Pi there are many conflicts. The main one being that Pi is stranded on a life boat with a tiger and a few other animals, spending 227 days in that condition. Pi and his family wanted to move to Canada, causing this. On their way there, the boat they are traveling on sinks, leaving him stranded on a life boat. The results of this event happening is that Pi and the tiger form a great relationship, leaving the other animals to symbolize important people in his life.

The effects on this event is that without it happening, the book would be quite short. If even the slightest thing was different in  this book, the rest of the story would be completely different. For example, if the boat didn't sink in the first place there would be a whole different ending to the boat. Even if the boat had sank, but the sailors hadn't thrown those four animals on the lifeboat with Pi their would be no bonding. This book's plot would have been affected, even if just one little detail was changed.


  1. I liked how in your assignment that you gave a descriptive summary on the cause of the events during the book. I believe that you should focus more on the effects and less on what would happen without the main conflict. Good job! :)
