
A Tasteful Story of Vampires.
September- October 2011

Author's Note: For this essay I decided I should write about the Twilight Series. It is about such great books which deal with vampires, werewolves, and mortals. It sounds like it would be cheesy, but it wasn't at all!

If you could guess how many copies of Twilight were sold on the first day this book it was released, how many copies would you guess were sold? Well, to be exact, around 1.3 million copies were sold. Twilight turned out to be #5 on the New York top sellers list. Twilight, by far, was one of the best series ever written because of its exquisite details, interesting topic, and tasteful love triangle. 
While reading the Twilight series, I was absolutely amazed! I felt like I was an extra character in the story, like I was along with Bella every step of the way. Stephanie Meyer’s description just blew me away! You know how some teachers say, if you really like the book you should be able to picture it, well with this book its true! It doesn’t matter if you like it, though, the author’s interpretation of her thoughts really turn the book into a movie in your mind. Stephanie’s vocabulary is beyond amazing, the words and phrases she uses to pull you in actually do work!

When I saw previews for the movie Twilight I thought, wow, what a strange topic! I never pictured myself reading a book about vampires and werewolves. Stephanie Meyer made it so real, though! You picture a vampire to be a blood-sucking freak, but she puts a funky twist on it, such as the fact that the Cullens don’t suck human blood, but animal blood; connecting to that, a vampire and human fall in love; and how a werewolf and vampire fight over a mortal. Although with the blood-sucking freak group of vampires she makes it again, so real, and not a corny Halloween cartoon type thing.

The love triangle between Bella, the mortal; Jacob, the werewolf; and Edward, the vampire is so full of action. The history between Bella and Jacob makes Jacob’s little crush just a bit more awkward, while the way Bella and Edward met makes their love just a bit sweeter, and the rivalry between Jacob and Edward heats the book up! Every time the two are in the same room the mood instantly tenses up. All the Twilight fans fight over who Bella should be with. Jacob is cocky and gets upset every time Bella is with Edward. On the other hand Edward doesn’t mind when Jacob and Bella together because he knows that they were friends before he and Bella were together.

Bottom line, the exquisite detail, tasteful love triangle, and interesting topic make the Twilight series the best series ever written, by far. If you ever need a book to read the Twilight Series will pull you in and will never have you stop.

A Truly Sensational Book

Author's Note: I am in the middle of a very good series right now so that's what I decided to write about. . .  There's not much more to say! :) 

If you could write your own book what would it be about? Princesses? Ninjas? A Little Coffee Mug that could? No matter what you choose all you need to make any book interesting are great ideas that are very well organized, detail that will blow the reader’s mind, and word choice that excels anything that’s humanly possible. Two books that come to mind with those qualities are The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. These two books will have you on the edge of you seat because of the well organized ideas, mind-blowing detail, and what seems to be humanly impossible word choice. 

Both "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire" are well organized into three parts. With this feature it really helps you understand what is going on on each page in each chapter of each part. Another component of this well organized book is how the dialogue is set up. Many books start with telling you who’s talking and finishes with them assuming that you know who’s talking. Now I know if I’m reading a book like that when I’m done with the piece of dialogue I have to go back and say to myself “Okay, so it’s Katniss now Peeta now Haymitch now Peeta again,” and it just wastes time! So my point is that "Catching Fire" and "The Hunger Games" have very well organized dialogue.

The detail is just exquisite! When you’re getting really into the book you’re reading and you start to picture it in your head- well with these books it’s like the actual movie is in your head! Instead of you deciding what Peeta looks like you know what he looks like because of the detail. Where the hunger games exist in the arena isn’t just guessed as a forest-y area it’s thoroughly explained as one. Bottom line; the detail in "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire’s" unbelievable detail helps make the book come to life!

The word choice-- it’s just. . . so amazing! I, not trying to brag, but I have a pretty high level of word choice and a good chunk of the words in that book I don’t even know the meaning of! Some examples of high level word choice include deceptively, smoldering, and drastic. Huh? See what I mean!? Imagine what the word choice in "Mockingjay" will be like! Tying in with detail- without excellent word choice there would be not exquisite detail. If I were to write a sentence like 'The dog is black'- BORING! With high level word choice that boring sentence could turn from <snore> to 'The annoying dog that won’t stop barking is a mysterious shade of midnight black,' and that’s exactly what the words in "The Hunger Games  and Catching Fire"  are like.

The well organized ideas, mind-blowing detail, and the word choice that seems humanly impossible will have you on the edge of your set while reading "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire." If you’re looking for a book that will have you continuing to read without stopping these definitely books to take a peek at.

A Superb Series

Author's Note: For this essay I but myself up for a challenge-- write about a book per paragraph in the series and a component that goes along the lines of a literary analysis. I think I did a pretty darn good job, so please leave a comment to let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Adventurous. Attention Capturing. Heart Racing. These three words are but a few that notably contribute to the characteristics of the Hunger Games series by Susan Collins. This series is made up of three books including The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.  Such books help us wonder what life would be like if it was based around supporting our families, knowing how to survive, and having the luck of the draw. With these books you’ll know what that feels like because of the eminent plot line, author's description, and distinguished flow from book to book.

“And may the odds be ever in your favor”-- one of many quotes that helps further understand the plot of this exquisite book, The Hunger Games. Susan Collin’s description in this particular book, really helps to specify what is occurring in that scene. Including examples ranging from where the main character, Katniss, and her family lives, to the threatening animals that roam in the forbidden woods just outside of their district-- this author’s description is sure to blow your mind. Where she lives and the deadly animals that wonder her dangerous forest aren’t the only things that get described with this stunning detail, there are loads of other examples that hold exemplary description. All in all, this book truly does include astonishing components.

As for the second book, Catching Fire,  it too holds high-end detail along with a touch of a flabbergasting plot line. Catching Fire’s plot is not only a thrilling tale, it also has great morals. One of the many morals is along the lines of “be prepared for the unexpected.” If you expect everything to go how you planned it your life will be full of unpleasant surprises including failing a test to losing a prized privilege. Reading this series will have  great impact on your life with helping you become less “all about you” to more “I’m thankful for how my life turned out.” Bottom line, this plot has a great purpose which includes both a helpful moral, but also an adventurous read!

Last, but certainly not least; Mockingjay! Mockingjay begins where the past book was left off. Personally, this helped me remember what had happened in the former book, because it legitimately started at the exact same scene as the last on concluded with. Oddly, the Hunger Games close did not flow into Catching Fire’s opening, which confused me on an immense amount of levels. There certainly is not much to say about the topic of a books “flow” but, quite frankly, I prefer series that tie together from book to book. Basically what my point is, is that if you're the kind of reader that prefers a sort of flow from book to book, then check out what these books have in store!

The eminent plot line, author's description, and distinguished flow from book to book will allow you to know what is feels like to have to support your family, know how to survive, and having the luck of the draw. When uncertain about what to read take into consideration a thrilling tale of life and death, love and war, family and friends, Peeta and Katniss, with the Hunger Games trilogy! It will have you reading from beginning to end!