Creative Pieces

Chistmas is Almost Here!

Author's Note: I'm really in the mood for Christmas so my group and I chose to write about Christmas!
Christmas, Christmas everywhere
Christmas spirit in the air
Ho, Ho, Ho, and Mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Ribbons and bows
With lights all a glow
And sweets and treats
For all to eat
Ornaments and Sleighs
With Santa on his way
Stockings and Reindeer
help children spread cheer

Twilight: Edward vs. Jacob

Author's Note: This topic was chosen because everyone in our group enjoys Twilight so we thought we should place our opinions! ENJOY!

What kind of books are you interested in? Mystery? Action? Sci- Fi/ Fantasy type? I’m open to many genres of books and one of them is Sci- Fi. One of my absolute favorite Sci- Fi series has got to be the Twilight Series! Although they are about vampires and werewolves and they may sound cheesy to you, the way the books are written make them seem honestly, and this may sound strange, but the honestly seem real! I know, I know ‘Abby your crazy vampires can’t be really’. Well if you’ve ever read any of the Twilight books you’d know what I’m talking about. Now, with this introduction it may seem misleading about what I’m writing about so listen closely so your not TOO confused :) This seemingly real book is filled with personality filled characters and my favorite character has got to be Jacob. Jacob is a great character because of how much he cares about Bella, and he has good looks :) 

Jacob is a great friend because he honestly cares about Bella. When Edward left Bella without prior warning and she needed someone to comfort her and hang out with she went to her long time friend Jake. He took her in and spent literally ever second of every day with her to try to get her mind off of Edward. Another component of how great of a friend Jacob Black is, is the fact that he cares about Bella’s future, not that he has to, but when she wanted to transform from a human to a vampire he explained why it wasn’t a good idea and tried to persuade her. He can’t control Bella and the plan didn’t quite turn out the way he wanted, but he truely cared about her so he tried to persuade her to the right choice. One more component that makes Jacob a truly  fantabulous friend is that when she’s having the little baby and it was ‘Crushing her from the inside out’ he started to LEGIT cry because he didn’t want her to die. How many 18 year old guys have you seen cry. . . about a friend. . . that’s a girl? NONE! He truly care about her! Case closed Jacob= best character ever! TEAM JACOB!

Busy, Busy Bee!

Author's note: My group and I were stuck on a topic to write about so we just chose what we were doing this weekend.
This weekend I was pretty busy. On Friday, there was a dance and once it ended two of my friends came over and we had a Twilight movie marathon. Then on Saturday after the two went home I was invited to see Breaking Dawn with Reynna and she also invited Jackie and Emilee. It was so fun! I really want to go a again. Then on Sunday my mom and I went to church and saw Peder Eide do a free Christmas concert. Once that had ended we went to the Fellowship hall to pack up gifts for less-fortunate children for Christmas. It was really fun because for two children I got to go to the table with their age group and pick out a specific number of gifts for them to get. I really hope they enjoy what I chose! We ended before they thought we would so we headed home. I just chilled and relaxed and worked on some homework for the rest of the night.

Makes Me Laugh!

Author's Note: The reason I wrote about this is because I was reading a piece for the Modes of Literature and a joke between my mom concerning a TV line and I was just like "That's what we're writing about! I didn't want to write the same thing that I have so I made up a few songs with the lines put into them.

To the tune of Happy Birthday:
   - That’s what we calls it in Lon-dan; that’s what we calls it in Lon-dan; He was like blaa, la, la, la ello love, he was all blaa, la, feelings gone!
To the tune of Row your boat:
    - It’s, it’s funny cuz it is so-o gross, Wuh-pa, Left!, Pi-vot, I like your little braid!
To the tune of Twinkle Little Star:
    - Sal has that nice ring of hair, Laryr has those two good hips, people over 80 don’t answer on the first ring
Other funny TV lines that are already songs:
   -Hey there, Locker, filled with my books and papers, and secrets. I can’t remember your combination! 37 right, 17 left, but then what!? Am I locked out, or are you locked in!? <cymbalring>
    - Zach kissed a gir-rl, Zach kissed a gir-rl, he issed a girl a female! A female! . . . Cake makes me crazy!
    - Happy Hanukkah, Monica. . . May your Christmas be snowy Joey! Merry Christmas Chandler and Ross! Spin the dreidel Rachel!
   - Went to the mall, sat on Santa’s lap, asked him to bring my friends all kinda crap! He said (Something, something) so just write them a song, you haven’t heard it yet, so don’t sing along, (no don’t sing along) Happy Hanukkah Monica. . . Saw Santa Claus, he says hello to Ross. . . Please tell Joey! Christmas will be Snow-way-ee-ee-ee! Rachel and Chandler have a happy, <unknown whispers> -andler!

The Bieber Train

Author's Note:We couldn't decide on a topic so last minute one of my groups member decided the topic of Justin Bieber (who I love by the way!) and I didn't want to do the exact same thing every time so I did a quick little form of writing which was the train!

The age of a tree

What Happens When You Put Abby in a Car Playing Her Favorite Music

Author's Note: I love music so I convinced my writing circle to write about this! Enjoy!

     “OMG! I love this song!” I crank up the radio. “Girl look at that body (Ahh), Girl look at that body (Ahh), Girl look at that body (Ahh)! I- I work out!”
    “Turn that music down!” Shouts my mom over the booming music.
    “ WHAT?! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” I yell.
    My mom turns the music down “. . . I said. . . Turn that music down!”
    “Oh. . . well. . .  whatever!” I turn the music up again and start dancing in my seat. “I’m sexy and I know it! I’m sexy and I know it!”
    “Abigail Jean Laskowski! You are piercing my eardrums!” My mom complains.
    “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Yeah! Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Yeah! Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle,  Wiggle, Wiggle, Yeah! Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Yeah, Yeah!” I sing out my open car window.
    “Thank goodness, that song’s over!” My mom says relieved.
    “Oh my god! This is the most amazing song!” I scream when the song It Will Rain comes blaring out the speakers. “If you ever leave me baby! Leave some morphine at my door!”
    “Alright, this song’s okay. . . “ My mom says sighing. . . “We’re here! Come on let’s go!”

A Day in the Life Of Perfume

Author's Note: I had the idea of writing this piece because of many TV shows I've seen where there was a bad situations and the character woke up and it was all a dream. At first I was going to write about how the perfume got picked up off the shelf and take home and given to me, but then I decided to twist it up a bit and had it wake up from a dream and go on and adventure! Enjoy!
    “Nooooooooo!” I say annoyed.
    “What’s up Someday!?” Wonderstruck says.
    Before I can reply I’m lifted up and carried to the check out counter.
    “Someday! Where are you going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Wonderstruck shouts trying to talk to me.
    I open my eyes slowly and scream, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh, it was all a dream! Thank God!” The store is still dark and everything is still sleeping. “Hmmmmmmmm, what to do at 4 in the morning when I have no one else to talk to” I whisper to myself. “Huh! I know!” I hop off the shelf and roam the store. First I go into Abercrombie to check if the pants and bags are up, and still no one is up. Next I check out Hollister. “Oh God!” I run out before I pass out from the obnoxious scent of too much cologne. . .  or perfume. . . or what ever it is! I hop down the seeming endless center walkway and see the escalators start to move and then from behind me a light flips on and I quick turn around to make sure it’s still safe. I here an echoing yawn coming from each store which means one thing-- the stores opening and I’m half way down the mall I’ll never get home in time! I rush down the hall and see a foot, and another foot, and another one! “Nooooooooooo!” I start to rush even faster down the hall.
    “Someday! Someday! Where are you Someday!?” I hear Wonderstruck looking for me. All of a sudden I see Wonderstruck hopping around trying to avoid people’s feet.
    “Wonderstruck! Wonderstruck! Stay there! I’m coming!” I shout.
    “Okay! Hurry! The crowd is getting huger by the minute!” Wonderstruck shouts.
    “Okay! I’ll try!” I shout trying dive-bomb the feet of all the shoppers. I finally make it home and hop on the shelf and tell my friends of my adventurous journey! 

Livin' On a Prayer

 Author's Note: I had to motivation to write this piece from Mr. Graf's example with Have a Nice Day. I think this was a great experience because when I used to listen to music I would just listen and this really helped me understand the point of the song. You should trying writing a piece like this- it's a great experience!

Once upon a time
Not so long ago
Tommy used to work on the docks (USED TO= Bad economy- lost job)
Unions been on strike (Citizens don’t like their bosses)
He’s down on his luck. . . it’s  tough, so tough (Tough times- luck is not on his side)
Gina works the diner all day (Trying to make the best of living as she can)
Working for her man, she brings home her pay For love- for love (Trying to help support her “man”)
She says we’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got (Staying Positive through this tough time)
Cause it doesn’t make a difference If we make it of not (Money doesn’t matter their happiness does)
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot For love- well give it a shot (Just try to get through it but if we don’t it’s okay)
Wooah we’re half way there (We’re making progress- keep going)
Livin on a prayer (Trust that praying will help)
Take my hand and we’ll make it- I swear (Trust me- we can do it if we work together)
Livin on a prayer (trust that praying will help)
Tommy’s got his six string in hock (wasn’t making enough money- had to sell guitar to earn more money)
Now he’s holding in what he used To make it talk- so tough, it’s tough (isn’t happy because he can’t do something he loves)
Gina dreams of running away (times are so tough she can’t handle it anymore)
When she cries in the night Tommy whispers baby it’s okay, someday (She’s depressed and tommy’s trying to help her through it)
We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got (no need to sell your stuff just keep working
Cause it doesn’t make a difference If we make it or not(Money doesn’t matter their happiness does)
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot For love - well give it a shot(Just try to get through it but if we don’t it’s okay)
Wooah we’re half way there (We’re making progress- keep going)
Livin on a prayer (Trust that praying will help)
Take my hand and we’ll make it- I swear (Trust me- we can do it if we work together)
Livin on a prayer (trust that praying will help)
We’ve got to hold on ready or not (whether or not you were prepared just fight through it
You love for the fight when it’s all that you’ve got (keep fighting through no matter how tough it is)
Wooah we’re half way there (We’re making progress- keep going)
Livin on a prayer (Trust that praying will help)
Take my hand and we’ll make it- I swear (Trust me- we can do it if we work together)
Livin on a prayer (trust that praying will help) 


Author's Note: I love sunsets, and to me they're inspirational to write about so I found a picture, and chose a form to write in, and just let my troubles go away to creative this soothing piece! Enjoy!


The Lights in the sky, so Beautiful
Glowing like the moon
Rainbow-like, So Colorful
With Colors Red to Blue
Sitting there, So Peaceful
Really Helps To Sooth

Everything Happens For a Reason

Author's Note: You know how sometimes you say why me! Seriously-- why me! Well this quote says it all.I thought this quote was very inspirational. I decided to write on it because it is very true with everybody; it doesn't pertain to just one person! Enjoy! 

First line-- “Someday everything will all make perfect sense.” When a beloved family member dies does it about break your heart? of course! but its all adding up to you having a great life.
Second line-- “So for now laugh at the confusion”, If you’re confused about why something sad happened don’t necessarily laugh at it but don’t just live the rest of your life like “Why did that happen to me, me? Why not that person sitting over there?” Just think of something else!
Third line-- “Smile through the tears” This line is basically saying don’t spend your whole life crying otherwise you won’t be happy. it’s saying when something terrible happens like your dog has to be put down, don’t spend every night crying, think happy thoughts and if that doesn’t work have one of your friends get your mind off of it and help you cheer up.
Fourth line-- “And keeping reminding yourself that  everything happens for a reason.” When you get a bad grade it just means you need more work on the subject or topic. When you don’t get front row for a dance, it just means you need work. when you don’t win a game it just means you need more practice. You got my point!? When you get better at all of those things it shows that it happened for a reason. Case closed!