Spectacular Summer Schedule! 5/14

Author's Note: I absolutely cannot wait until summer, it gives me a break with all the drama. Plus, I can sleep as late as I want and I can do anything I want. These are my plans to acomplish the best summer ever!
There’s 104 of summer vacation ‘til school comes along just to end it. So my annual plan for this summer vacation is to have a great time while spending it! Like maybe, hanging with friends, and skating at skateland, and biking down to the beach. Exercising, and practicing volleyball and slipping down a bunch of slides. Going to Six Flags, and possibly Wilderness, and doing the library program. Well, back to the point, I plan on this being the best summer ever because this hasn’t really been the best school year ever, I mean I love school, just things that went on just didn’t really float my boat. But anyway, I seriously am planning on taking part in all the things I have just mentioned. I’m gonna have so much fun and forget about all the drama and crap that went on during school and in my life this year and just let my hair down and just hang loose and have fun. I hope I can hang out with every single one of my friends at least once. I’ll have them over, and go over to their house. Or even possibly-- I could meet them down at the beach or skateland or any other place! This (Hopefully) will be the best summer ever!<3

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