A Dream Come True!

Author's Note: The writing for this story was based on my fabulous trip to Hawaii. I chose it because it was just so fun, I had to share it! I hope you enjoy my detailed description of my trip!

When I was five my family and I took a stunning trip to Hawaii. My mom, dad, sister, and I experienced many lovely activities while we visited there. Three in particular help me remember this trip especially. Those three activities are the first night when we arrived, snorkeling, and parasailing.

The first night we arrived we were literally sweating buckets when we stepped out of the airport. I swear it was about 100 degrees there! We had been sitting in the airport for maybe a 2 hour delay and we were in three different airplanes for roughly 16 hours. When we arrived it was around 4 a.m. and all four of us were completely exhausted! We checked into our hotel and hit the hay for the night, gathering enough energy to get through our first day in Hawaii!
One of my favorite activities was parasailing. Parasailing is where you are harnessed into a seat attached to a parachute-type-thing. Our parachute was a big magenta smiley face. Those two pieces of equipment were connected to a boat. The faster the boat would go the higher the parachute would rise up. I believe we reached approximately 180 feet in the air! My mom and dad didn’t prefer this activity as much as my sister and I did. We adored it! 
When my family and I tried snorkeling for the first time it was quite an interesting trip! We embarked onto a boat and it set sail out to a reef along the ocean. Since I was only five at this time I had to have gear from a noodle to a life jacket, it was obnoxious! I got to lie on a miniature sized boogie board with built in goggles so I could just rest my face on them and see all the sea creatures lurking below. I believe I remember viewing an eel while snorkeling. While I was searching, my sister was literally swallowing half the water in the Pacific Ocean, why you ask, I honestly do not remember. While both our little activities were continuing to occur my mother, who by the way couldn’t swim, is trying to help my dad, who also could not swim. It was quite an experience for my family and me. 
It may not sound like it was a great trip, but it truly was, besides the fact that my dad got bit by a parrot AND a sea urchin and that at one point or another every single one of my family members were sick. Otherwise we had a great time! When I’m older I definitely want to go back and see how fun Hawaii is when you don’t get bit by anything, drink half the ocean, nearly drown, and get sick! Well, anyways, I’m sure you’d like to go to Hawaii now, as long as those dreadful things don’t happen to you!

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